Every year we are celebrating christmas all over the world. It's not only a christian festival, it's living things festival. We have to show our love to others on that day. Everyone knows about it, but i have to say one more time why we are celebrating christmas. It's simple, we celebrating the Christ Jesus birth as in the name of "Christmas". Let's see how the people's celebrating the christmas about 100 years ago. See the photos and celebrate your christmas in your own way.
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The symbol much later became popular with sailors. This is a pretty obvious connection here being that sailor use anchors constantly in their work.
The anchor tattoo design has become a symbol for stability and a strong foundation. It can also mean a boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other in someone’s life. You see a man might get an anchor tattoo to show that his girlfriend is the stability in his life.
These have become increasingly popular for women to get and they often place them just below their collar bone on the right of left side.

So the anchor tattoo is a great tattoo with lots of symbolism and history behind it. If you are looking for something to remind you to stay grounded or want to symbolism a particularly stable or grounding relationship that you have then an anchor tattoo design might be some thing to look into.