Friday, January 20, 2012

Cloud Computing is not new for Microsoft

Cloud Computing is not new for Microsoft. Microsoft in 2012 it will play in the realm of cloud computing (cloud computing) is intended for the corporate segment. Prior to Microsoft, many companies began to provide this cloud computing service. What is the purpose of Microsoft's foray into cloud computing services and what services are offered by Microsoft's differences with other similar services?

"Microsoft actually has long provided a cloud. We have an e-mail servibe, ie Hotmail, also using the cloud. Then, Windows Live is also a cloud service, which we integrate on the XBox. So really not a new thing for us. However, if during We provide services to end users, this time we want to provide cloud services to enterprises, "said Irvin Hutagalung, Audience Marketing Manager and Entrepreneurship Program Manager, PT. Microsoft Indonesia when met at his office on Thursday (1/19/2012).

In addition to meeting with Microsoft Indonesia, also had the opportunity to do long distance using a webcast interview with Antoine Aquado from Microsoft that was in the office of Microsoft Asia-Pacific region from Singapore. Antoine is a Senior Director, Private Cloud and Server, Microsoft Asia Pacific.

According to Antoine, Microsoft is providing service for Private Cloud to see how many companies are already beginning to do data center virtualization. "By providing cloud services, Microsoft helps companies to adopt cloud technology," he said. Private Cloud is provided, so that enterprises can adopt cloud computing with ease.

Service called Microsoft System Center 2012, according to Antoine has the differences with similar services offered by other companies. This service is open and services can be integrated with other vendors.

So, this service can be combined with data center virtualization outside of Microsoft, such as VMWare or Citrix. Microsoft also provides two licensing options that could be an alternative for the needs of enterprises, namely the Standard Version and Version Data Center. This service can also be run on various operating systems, not just Windows, but also Linux and other operating systems.source:kompas.tekno