Hello everyone.. I'm sorry, it's taken me forever, but I finally uploaded the photos of my artwork that I finished last year. I know I'm being lame and l.a.z.y...
But here we go!

My sister in Hawaii asked me to paint something for her nephew (her husband's brother had a baby) and she wanted the color to be just like ones in the Pottery Barn catalog above. She wanted me to draw turtles instead of farm animals. She also wanted something simple...

And this is what I painted for {Chase}...

Now, a friend of mine asked me to paint something for her friend's little boy {Paul} that goes well with the bedding from
Pottery Barn - Star Wars theme...

And this is what I painted for him....

Finally, I painted {Love} for my friend who desperately wants love in her life. She wanted something cheerful, but also wanted to feel calmness in the painting. She hasn't seen it yet. What do you think - do you think she'll like it?