Monday, May 31, 2010

Briana Evigan, Beautiful Artist

Profile :
Full Name : Briana Evigan
Birth of Date : October 23, 1986
Place of Date : Los Angeles, California
Occupation :Actress / Dancer/ singer

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Berharap Bintang Jatuh

Ya Rabb..Engkau Maha Mendengar...
Setiap rintihan lirih doa yang hamba lantunkan...

Ya Rabb..Engkau Maha Melihat...
Setiap tetes butiran air mata yang hamba uraikan...

Ya Rabb..Engkau Maha Mengetahui...
Setiap derap langkah ikhtiar yang hamba perjuangkan...

Sanggupkah hamba mengikhlaskan...
Mampukah hamba memaknai...

aQ hanya menginginkan kemanusiawian...
Merasakan manisnya secangkir teh hangat kehidupan...

Hamba tak kuasa...
Tersenyum tulus diatas goresan lukisan kehidupan yang menyayat nurani...
Hamba terlalu letih...
Menata setiap kepingan puzzle hati yang senantiasa retak tak terjamahi...
Hamba begitu berduka...
Menatap masa depan kelabu yg tersenyum penuh kemenangan...

Hari ini...

Semuanya serupa...
Seolah piringan hitam yang enggan berhenti berputar...
Melantunkan nyanyian mimpi buruk yang mengantarkan kedukaan...

Akankah selamanya...

Berangan musnah dari peradaban keduniawian...
Berlari penuh keriaan menuju lembaran putih yang setengah hati menanti..


Keimanan diri seakan menjadi pertaruhan...
Takdir seolah menjadi harga mati...

Andai mampu Qu petik bintang...

Layaknya senandung usang yang termunafikan...
Hanya berharap bintang jatuh...
Tepat disudut kepayahan-Qu...
Terjawablah doa di sujud-sujud panjang-Qu...


Pink become Blue (Part 2)


Pasca ditilang'y vespa, oya harus melakukan misi penyelamatan dengan mengikuti persidangan di daerah Jakarta Pusat.

Ga pernah terbayangkan sebelum'y, oya harus merasakan panas'y kursi persidangan. Sejauh mata memandang seluruh ruangan persidangan dipenuhi dengan kaum adam dengan pakaian khas pria berwarna netral hitam, abu-abu, coklat, biru ect (hmm…oya salah kostum ). Dengan bodoh'y hari itu oya mengenakan baju kebangsaan warna pink, seolah begitu bersuka cita menghadiri persidangan (hehehe... ).

Oya duduk terpaku di deretan manusia terpidana yang siap menerima hukuman. Tiba-tiba terkejut dengan ketukan palu sidang yang mengisyaratkan tiba waktu'y oya menghadap sang hakim. Aga’ bingung juga harus ngapain, ternyata hakim langsung mengajukan pertanyaan sekaligus pernyataan.

Hakim : “kamu mahasiswa kan??? Harus'y kamu lebih paham dan taat dengan peraturan pemerintah!!! Banyak banget peraturan yang kamu langgar!!! STNK, SIM, ga ada kaca spion, ga ada plat nomor, kamu harus bayar denda lebih dari 300rb, kamu sanggup???”
Dengan sedikit terbata-bata, oya menjawab...
Oya : “engga pa...”
Hakim : “plat nomor’y kenapa bs ga ada???”
Oya : “copot pa...”
Hakim : “kenapa bs copot???”
 Oya : “emm...ya copot aja...saya juga ga sadar...”
Hakim : “harus’y kamu periksa dulu kondisi motor sebelum digunakan…klo plat’y copot ya dipasang dulu…dipasang mur’y atau diiket…ckckck" (sambil menggelengkan kepala)
Oya : “saya ga kepikiran pa...kan saya ga sadar klo plat’y copot...”
Hakim : “anak muda...kamu ini bagaimana c...padahal mahasiswa...lain kali kamu harus lebih berhati-hati...klo mau mengendarai motor harus punya SIM, warna motor harus sesuai STNK, dan satu lagi...plat nomor’y hrs dipasang...jangan copot...”
Dengan sedikit pasang tampang melas oya jawab “iya pa...maav...”

Setelah selesai dimintai pertanggungjawaban, oya bergegas keluar ruangan menuju tempat pengambilan STNK dan pembayaran denda. Tapi aneh...nada suara hakim itu memang terdengar tegas dan lugas ga berbanding lurus dengan ekspresi wajah'y yang tersenyum. Semua orang yang juga sedang menunggu giliran disidang juga menatap oya sambil tersenyum, bahkan ada seorang laki-laki yang nyeletuk sambil tertawa puas “neng...klo naek motor...platnya diiket dulu…hahaha

Selesai sidang dan mengambil STNK, oya masih harus mengurus surat pengambilan motor ect. Birokrasi di Indonesia emang ribet ya…pengambilan STNK di Jakarta Pusat, surat pengambilan motor di Jakarta Selatan dan pengambilan motor yang ditilang di Jakarta Barat. Kondisi vespa juga luar biasa menyedihkan pasca penilangan.

Saran oya c...klo kena tilang, sebisa mungkin negosiasi supaya surat-surat motor yang ditilang, jangan pernah mau motor'y yang ditilang, coz berdasarkan pengalaman oya, ga ada satupun pihak dari kepolisian yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kondisi motor yang ditilang n' seringkali terjadi pencurian. Tapi lebih baik jadi warga negara yang budiman pastinya. Jadi rider sejati dengan mempersenjatai diri dengan surat-surat n' kelengkapan lain'y...

Sejak kejadian itu oya akan berfikir 2…3…4 sampe 5x untuk bawa vespa ke kampus
n' thats why I change the color of my scooter


Pink become Blue (Part 1)


Di pagi hari yang cerah ceria, seperti biasa'y...I went to campus by riding my pink scooter. Rute keberangkatan juga seperti biasa (Jakarta Barat - Slipi - Sudirman - Bunderan HI - UI Salemba - Matraman - UNJ Jakarta Timur). Dengan persenjataan lengkap (jaket, sarung tangan n’ helm) oya melintasi jalanan Ibukota yang senantiasa padat merayap.

Suddenly...tepat'y di Sudirman, suara nyaring klakson dari arah belakang menghentikan laju vespa. Begitu menggerakan kepala ke belakang (ooo... ) suara klakson itu berasal dari Polisi Lalu Lintas dengan motor BM'y yang super nyempitin jalanan. Karna 'merasa' ga melanggar peraturan apa-apa, oya melanjutkan perjalanan. Motor patroli polisi itu mengencangkan laju kendaraan'y dan berada tepat di samping oya. Polisi itu memberi komando untuk menghentikan vespa dan parkir di bahu kiri jalan (hmm…feeling oya ga enak nih ).

Tanpa tedeng aling-aling sang polisi 'ndut itu meminta oya mengeluarkan SIM dan STNK vespa (aga panik juga coz sampe detik ini oya belum juga punya SIM ). Karna ga punya SIM, polisi itu meminta oya menyerahkan KTP.

Singkat cerita, vespa oya harus ditilang karna warna vespa di STNK dan aslinya ga sesuai, ga punya SIM, ga ada kaca spion, plus plat nomor vespa sempet jatuh dan lupa dipasang (lengkaplah kesalahan dan kemalangan oya pagi itu ). Polisi itu lekas pergi membawa serta KTP dan STNK menuju segerombolan polisi lain'y yang siap siaga mencari mangsa dan menderek motor ke kantor polisi terdekat or mengumpulkan pundi-pundi keuangan untuk kas pribadi'y.

Berbagai jurus jitu oya keluarkan supaya vespa ga bener-bener ditilang, tapi toh polisi itu ga bergeming dan tetap pada keputusan'y. Karna final decision vespa akan ditilang, oya ga segan-segan beradu argumen dengan polisi itu (adegan oya vs polisi ini adalah bagian yang paling kocak n' bikin temen-temen kampus ketawa n' geleng-geleng kepala) yang pasti argumen oya cukup membuat polisi itu gentar, tangan'y gemetar waktu nulis surat tilang sampe berkali-kali salah nulis.
(hahaha…maka'y jangan maen-maen sama mahasiswa

Oia, ga berhenti disitu, oya pengen bikin polisi itu kapok untuk nilang vespa. Tanpa disadari sang polisi, oya berhasil mengeluarkan busi n' kunci busi dari vespa dan bergegas naik bus setelah menerima surat penilangan.
Dari kejauhan nampaknya polisi itu luar biasa kebingungan
Selamat berjuang Pak Polisi


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Alexandra Breckenridge Profile and Photo's

Profile :
Full Name : Alexandra Hetherington Breckenridge
Date of Birth :15 May 1982
Place Of Birth : Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Height : 5' 7½" (1.71 m)

Mini Biography :
Alex Breckenridge was born on May 15 1982 in Darien, Connecticut before moving to California when she was 12. Breckenridge first got an interest in acting at 13 when she performed in local theater productions and soon moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career. Her first film was the independent comedy picture Locust Valley (1999). She followed up this performance with guest spots on several successful series, including "Dawson's Creek" (1998) and "Freaks and Geeks" (1999), and supporting roles in the films Big Fat Liar (2002), Orange County (2002) and the short film D.E.B.S. (2003), which won the award for Best Short at the 2003 New York Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. After appearing on the series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1997), Alex was offered her own series, the UPN drama pilot Mystery Girl. Sadly, UPN chose to have only one female-led detective series in the 2004-2005 season and Mystery Girl was not picked up. In 2005, Alex appeared in the ABC Family movie Romy and Michele: In the Beginning (2005) (TV) and took on the role of Michele Weinberger, played by Lisa Kudrow in the original 1997 film. She also began work on the animated sitcom "Family Guy" (1999), voicing celebrities such as Cybill Shepherd and Christina Aguilera. In 2006, Alex is breaking into the mainstream with a lead role in the comedy movie She's the Man (2006). She currently lives in Hollywood.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Janet Jackson profile

Real Name : Janet Damita Jo Jackson

Birth Date : 16 May 1966

Birth Place : Gary, Indiana, USA

Height : 5' 4"

Profession : Singer

Popularly Known as: R&B, soul and pop singer

Voice type: Soubrette

Highest note: D6 (On He Doesn't Know I'm Alive), E6

Lowest note: E-b3

Vocal range: 3 octaves (Eb3-E6)

Spouse : Rene Elizondo (choreographer;
born in 1963; married in March 1991;
divorced in 2000),
James Debarge (married in August 1984;
anulled in March 1985)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Juliette Binoche Best Actress at the 63rd Cannes

Cannes Film Festival successfully held for the 63rd time on Sunday (05/23/2010). Juliette Binoche had won an award for Best Actress.

As quoted from the official site of Cannes Film Festival, Monday (24/05/2010), Juliette who is now 46 years old, received the award through her role as Elle in the movie 'Certified Copy'. The movie is a movie plots Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami origin.

French actress Juliette is a considerable achievement in the international arena. In fact, in 1996 and then, she ever got the award for Best Supporting Actress at the Academy Awards through her role in 'The English Patient'.

Meanwhile, the award for Best Actor achieved by Javier Bardem and Elio Germano. Bardem gets the award by his role in 'Biutiful', and Germano is thank his act in 'Our Life'.

Award Palme d'Or for short film category went to 'Barking Island' which worked by Serge Avedikian. And, the short film 'Bathing Mickey' Frida's work succeeded in bringing home Kempff Jury Prize award.

Thailand Film Triumphed at Cannes

Shock occurred at the Cannes Film Festival 63rd be held on Sunday (05/23/2010). For the first time, film production Thailand triumphed in one of the most prestigious film festival that.

As quoted from the official website of the Cannes Film Festival, Monday (24/05/2010), 'Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives' was awarded the Palme d'Or. Horror fantasy genre film by Apichatpong Weerasethakul is tilled, the director from Thailand.

"It's like another world for me. I thank to the spirits and ghosts in Thailand which all this becomes reality I can stand here," says Apichatpong Weerasethakul.

The Grand Prix, the award for the second champion fell to the 'Of Gods and Men', directed by Xavier Beauvois. Meanwhile, 'A Screaming Man', a film set in the civil war claim Mahamat-Saleh Haroun successfully reached the Jury Prize.

Mathieu Amalric, the French actor managed to get a Best Director award. Award to Mathieu provided by star of 'Twilight', Kristen Stewart, who was promoting her new movie there.

United Iranian Director Protest Jafar Panahi Arrests

Detention famous Iranian director, Jafar Panahi, continues to receive strong protest. After protesting the Hollywood circles, is now director of Iran are united to protest the detention of his colleague.

A total of 85 Iranian director was protesting the detention of Panahi via an open letter to the Iranian government. The director was calling himself as an independent director. "We signed this letter to request absolve Panahi from prison," they wrote in the petition as quoted by Contactmusic, Monday (05/23/2010).

Panahi was imprisoned on March 1 last. He was arrested, along with children, his wife and his guests at his home for no obvious reason. Wife and children and their guests of Panahi had been largely freed. But the director who is often vocal against the Iranian government was still detained in Evin prison in Tehran.

On May 17 last, Panahi protest his detention. He demanded the right to obtain attorney assistance. He also requested the right to be able to get a visit from family. And of course Panahi also urged the release.

Panahi known for his films which won numerous international awards. Film 'The White Balloon', by Panahi, won the Camera d'Or prize at the Cannes Film Festival. The Guardian also enter this film in the list of 50 Best Family Films of All Time. While the film entitled 'The Circle' wins top award in Venice Film Festival.

The demand that Panahi release had previously voiced by the film maker Hoolywood. Actor Robert DeNiro, director Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg, has signed a petition for exemption Panahi.

In Cannes film festival, the exemption Panahi also urged by the French actress Julliette Binoche and director of Iran Abbas Kiarostami.

Less Demand, 'After Forever Shrek' Still Champion at Box Office

Los Angeles - The fourth sequel Shrek, 'Shrek After Forever', selling less than a third movie, ‘Shrek the Third’. Even so, the film production by DreamWorks is still a winner at the box office.

Being in the top box office, 'Shrek Forever After' reap US$ 71.2 million in its first week released. Revenue achieved the fourth sequel to Shrek is still far below the third sequel to that reached US$ 121.6 million in its first week running.

"This is the lowest for the movie Shrek. But we remain optimistic that this film will remain worldwide," said DreamWorks marketing director, Anne Globe, like-reported by Ace Showbiz, Monday (05/24/2010).

Iron Man 2, which last week ousted warlords Shrek Forever After, had to settle for second ranked at the box office. Big screen, starring Robert Downey Jr. was reached US$ 26.6 million from ticket sales this weekend.

Following below Iron Man 2, there is Robin Hood who was sitting in third place box office. After failing to win the box office, this week Ridley Scott film that claim their income decreases. On this week's Robin Hood only managed to collect US$ 18.7 million.

Orlando Bloom Be Villain in 'The Three Musketeers' Movie

Los Angeles - Reasons actor Orlando Bloom will leave the 'Pirates of the Caribbean 4' began to unfold. Orlando seem to prefer to play it in 'The Three Musketeers' rather than assisting in the movie starring Johnny Depp.

As quoted by Contact Music, Tuesday (25/05/2010), Orlando Bloom has recently signed contracts to appear in the latest version of 'The Three Musketeers'. The actor who is now 33-year-old agreed to play the Duke of Buckingham, an antagonistic character in the film claim Paul W. S. Anderson's.

In the film, Orlando will be performing with the star 'Inglorious Basterds', Christoph Waltz which acts as Cardinal Richelieu. Meanwhile, Logan Lerman ready to act as D'Artagnan. Then, the character of Athos, Porthos and Aramis played by Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson and Luke Evans.

Beautiful actress Milla Jovovich will also take part in the film. Starring Alice in the series 'Resident Evil' was featured as M'lady De Winter.

'The Three Musketeers' must still be adapted from the novel by Alexandre Dumas in 1844. The plan, the film will release next year.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kendra Wilkinson Hot Video Sold Well

Los Angeles – Hot video former Playboy model Kendra Wilkinson was popular in the US. In fact, the video of Kendra reservation already defeated hot video sales figures of socialite Kim Kardashian.

As quoted by Contact Music, Monday (05/24/2010), although not yet officially released, "Kendra Exposed 'have become hits in the country, Uncle Sam. The video of Kendra was showing when she still 18-year-old and pass up the hot scenes with her boyfriend Justin Frye.

The video was sold to Vivid Entertainment, one of the largest porn company in the United States at a price of US$ 100 thousand. Meanwhile, Kendra will receive a 50 percent gain from the sale of 'Kendra Exposed'.

At first, Kendra who is now 24 years old, refused videos are sold. But, after realizing 'Kendra Exposed' has the potential for substantial money, Kendra decided to negotiate with Vivid.

Kendra who was born June 12, 1985, beginning her career in the entertainment world in 2004 and then as a model in Playboy magazine. She also could be a Hugh Hefner girlfriend.

Prosecutor: Possess of XX Chromosomes, Alter is Really Women

Sutikno, the Chief Public Prosecutor, the case of data falsification authentic case Alterina Hofan, revealed evidence that points to the fact Alter is female. Genetic data also proved Alter has XX chromosomes as female or really women.

"The question at the time investigated in the judiciary, also signed the minutes of the study suspect, that the contents of sex in women but she brackets (Alter) pose as a man," said Sutikno in the District Court of South Jakarta, Monday, May 24, 2010.

Second, continued Sutikno, in the letter sending the dossier submitted the Polda Metro to District Attorney, Alter has also written sexes in the same way. "She is the female defendant, in parentheses men confessed," said Sutikno.

Yet a third, according to the letter from the expert evidence through DNA tests, said Sutikno, clearly stating the defendant assorted women. DNA test results, further explained 'was detected with the perfect' and the conclusion 16 marker genes to form XX.

"It means women. If it's XY male, XX is female, XXY was double or no deformity. XX DNA test results, means pure woman," said Sutikno.

Alterina Hofan become accused, and snared with the article: Article 266 paragraph 1, Article 263 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) concerning counterfeit letters. The threat of punishment against Alter maximum seven years in prison.

This case occurs when Alter which formally has sex as female marries a woman named Jane Deviyanti on September 9, 2008. Jane family then reported Alter to the police on suspicion of counterfeiting a letter to pose as a man to marry Jane. This falsification allegedly committed in a village office in South Jakarta. The case is then up to the court.

Miss Indonesia 2010 Prepare 4 New Category

Annual Event Miss Indonesia beauty contest was held babk. In the year 2010, has prepared four new categories of additional trophies.

Four categories was Miss Beautiful Skin, Miss Beautiful Face, Miss Innovation and Miss Beautiful Hair. In addition, there are categories of Miss Favorite and Miss Friendship is a category each year.

"All of the new category was not chosen via SMS. So was Miss Friendship all through the judging process. Unless Miss Favorite," said Dicky Sadikin Ahmad, Official Miss World Productions found at the Hard Rock Cafe, Plaza EX, Central Jakarta, Monday (24 / 5 / 2010).

The final event will be held on Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 in Central Park, Grogol, West Jakarta. There were 33 finalists have been drawn from auditions in D.I. Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Manado, Makassar, Medan, Denpasar, Bandung and Jakarta.

"There will be three assessments. Modelling, sports and talent. Later they were asked to follow-up volleyball or a relay race to train co-operation within the team," explained Rudy Ramawi, Project Director Miss Indonesia.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez Biography

Nicknames: "La Guitarra" (guitar shaped body), J.Lo Birth Date: July 24, 1970 Birth Place: New York, USA Height: 5'6" Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Sign: Leo Profession: Actress, Singer Fan Mail : Jennifer Lopez
C/O United Talent Agency
9560 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 500
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Friday, May 21, 2010

Joanna Krupa

Nicknames: JoJo, Jo
Birth Date: 23 April 1981
Birth Place: Warsaw, Poland
Height: 5' 7"
Education: College drop out
Profession: Supermodel, actress
Born on 23 April, 1981 in Warsaw, Poland Joanna Krupa is a Polish supermodel and actress. Joanna was appeared on several covers of the magazine including Personal, FHM, Inside Sport, Steppin Out, Stuff, Teeze, and Maxim. She is world known as a model of Sketchers shoes, Venus Swimwear and Frederick's of Hollywood. In July 2005, Joanna was appeared in a pictorial in Playboy magazine. Now turned to acting appeared on many TV shows and films. TV shows for which she worked includes "Las Vegas", "ER", "Son of the Beach", "Just Shoot Me", "Splatter Factor", and "The Jenny Jones Show". She was appeared on "The Man Show" as a juggy dancer. Joanna also appeared in small roles in films "Planet of the Apes" and "Legally Blonde". Next projects in her list includes a lead role in "Ripple Effect" (2006), the horror "Skinner Box" (2006) and the offbeat comedy "The Dog Problem" (2006) opposite Scott Caan and Don Cheadle. Joanna was dated Smallville actor Jensen Ackles. But as of 2006 they are not together.

Kajol Not Confidence Exhibition Pregnant Belly

Shows a pregnant belly has become a trend in Hollywood. That action pioneered by Demi More that followed other actresses such as Britney Spears and the latest Claudia Schiffer. But that trend was not applicable in Bollywood.

Bollywood actresses are still reluctant to show their bellies are getting bigger in front of the camera. This is such an experienced Kajol Devgan is expecting their second child.

As reported by, Friday (05/21/2010), star of 'My Name is Khan' was objected when a photographer focuses the camera into her stomach. 34-year-old actress was asked to focus on the face compared to the stomach.

This happens when the wife of actor Ajay Devgan was undergoing photography session an anti-aging cream at Mehboob studio, Mumbay, India. When it was Kajol who was accompanied by her mother, Tanuja, look pretty with a loose black dress.

"While shooting for an ad, Kajol was reluctant to stay long at all to be there because her stomach is getting bigger. She politely asks the team photographer to take pictures of her face, "said one eyewitness.

"Kajol looks very pretty with a loose black dress worn with a specific reason for it," continued the witness.

"Agora" Film: Ballad of the First Women Philosopher

"Synesius, you do not question what you believe. I have to question" (Hypatia, Agora, 2009)

History is like a spiral: it is always repeated but always forward. Agora, Alejandro Amenabar recent work ('The Others' and 'Sea Inside') proves it: the phenomenon of violence in the name of religion, authoritarian and totalitarian that apply, and ultimately the destruction of science and humanity.

The story focuses on Hypatia (played brilliantly by Rachel Weisz, who was conceived by the director since the development of the scenario), the first woman philosopher in history who taught philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy in Alexandria, Egypt now under the Roman empire. She has a tremendous passion for philosophy, science, and equal rights. All-male student and later, some have important positions.

Then there came the "owner of the truth": the Christians who began to move to spread the dogma. In the name of God, they attack other beliefs, the pagan and Jewish, with blindly. For them, everyone should accept their version of truth, and there is no other possibility.

So, open-minded, tolerant, and coexist closed already. No more the spirit of mutual deserved and respect for other beliefs. And for those who already surf the internet, will know that Hypatia will end tragically.

In the matter of "the owner of the truth" who impose their own truth, we can easily replace the “Christian” with any other ideology, whatever it is: Islam, Judaism, Zionism, Communism, Fascism. All of the totalitarian and authoritarian, and all ideologies that puberty, from the far left, far right, even the most middle! We can also change the context with the present, or at any age.

Any distinctions between the characters so sharply. Hypatia was so in love with science; the Christians burning books “infidels”, something we also see in 'Dances with Wolves' or 'Destiny' (an Egyptian movie about Ibnu Rusyd). And of course, the fact that she is a woman in the soul era who believed that women were only half of men, it is very difficult for him.

During the nearly 130 minutes, Amenabar is able to make-believe world of Egypt in their 4th century BC with a pretty convincing. Of course, the film is embellished by a triangle love story, between Hypatia with the nobility of his student (Orestes) and slave (Davus). And let us return to those days, and accept whatever naivete very modern at the time, such as the belief that the earth was the center of the galaxy.

Substitute Candidate of Megan Fox in “Transformers 3”

Hollywood - Sexy actress Megan Fox decided to leave the cultivation of 'Transformers 3'. Now, several strong candidates for a replacement name Megan in the film working of Michael Bay began to appear.

As quoted from The Wrap, Friday (05/21/2010), reportedly, actress of Gemma Arterton to be one candidate. However, to get the main role of women in “Transformers 3”, Gemma has to compete with lingerie model Miranda Kerr and Bar Rafaeli.

At this time, Gemma Arterton is still the main choice Michael Bay. 24-year-old woman was judged to have more acting experience than the two models. Previously, she successfully passed her role as a Bond girl in 'Quantum of Solace' and 'Clash of the Titans'. In the 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time', then she received the lead role.

Gemma Arterton addition, Miranda Kerr and Bar Refaeli, several other names mentioned are following also casting 'Tranformers'. Among other things, Hayden Panettiere, Camilla Belle, Ashley Greene and star of 'High School Musical', Vanessa Hudgens.

After Megan Fox leave, Bay and screenwriter of Ehren Kruger plans to replace the film's plot. Bay was mentioned want to display a new lover of Sam Witwicky who is still played by Shia LaBeouf, as a refresher.

Wondering who will replace Megan Fox? Just wait, “Tranformers 3” ready to be released in July 2011.

Two Star 'Twilight' Request for Increased Salaries, Threatened Fired

Two star of “Twilight”, Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz, threatened fired and did not join the film's shooting the fourth series “Breaking Dawn”. Starring Alice Cullen and Emmet Cullen ask for their salary increases.

But now the dispute has been settled about salary by Summit Entertainment, a production house that makes Twilight. After a week of tense negotiations enough, Greene and Luzt salary increase was approved.

Reported by the Hollywood Reporter, Friday (05/21/2010), Lutz and Greene will get a raise. They will be paid US$ 1.25 million for their performances in “Breaking Dawn”.

Actual payment of US$ 1.25 million, still far from demand Lutz and Greene. Previously they have paid about US$ 2-4 million. Although not as expected, found that salaries remained the now bigger than their salary in the previous three movies, 'Twilight,' 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse'.

Twilight movie about the fourth series, “Breaking Dawn”, reportedly Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner was preparing to start filming. Only, until now it is not certain whether the last movie “Twilight” that will be made into two parts or not, remember the story long enough.